Dovydas Kuliešas joined the SNP in Spring 2017, and has been a member of the party since. Lithuanian by birth, lost in identity crisis on the banks of the Clyde by choice, a devoted social democrat by belief, his interests include history, antifascism, khachapuri, speculative fiction and foreign policy.

Stephanie Melnick first became engaged with Scottish politics at the age of 17 and has been trying and failing to escape ever since. She usually has her head in a book, except when she’s trying to write one. She is passionate about the environment, sci-fi & fantasy fiction and abolishing all forms of involuntary confinement. Follow her on Mastodon @AutieScot@mastodon.scot.

Erin moved to Scotland from Canada in 2012 and joined the SNP in 2019. A lifelong activist, she dreams of building a free, progressive, and independent Scotland. You can find her on twitter as @Seunte.

Kat Cary moved to Scotland in 2016 from the US. She joined the SNP in 2020 and has supported Scottish independence since almost the moment she first heard of it. She has opinions about most things and often writes them down here. Despite rumours to the contrary, Kat is not a cat. You can follow her on twitter as @kat_cary.

Silas McGilvray is from Ayr originally, but after a few years living in the USA returned to Scotland in 2018 and settled in Edinburgh. He joined the SNP in 2014 after being active in the independence referendum, is fascinated by most political topics, notably the EU and human rights, and is a passionate Eurovision evangelist. He can be found on twitter as @SilasMcGilvray.